‘4th Annual Kentucky Care Project’

By Lisa Pezzolla

August 16 will kick off our fourth annual Kentucky Care Project, and we have already received many calls with many questions and people asking to volunteer. But we are still in need of volunteers.
Donations will be collected on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. ONLY at The Observer. 531 Kearny Ave., Kearny. Please pull into the driveway and
go to the back of our office. You cannot miss the trailer, and our volunteers will be waiting to help you.
Please come only during the designated hours; at all other times, the trailer will be locked and we won’t be able to help you.

Please do not leave items under the truck; last year, some donations left there were destroyed by rain and others were stolen.
I understand that during these economic times with the high cost of living and cutbacks in many areas of employment, it has been difficult for many to make ends meet. We have all had to put our priorities in order to get through these tough times. Every little bit will make a difference. Any donation will be appreciated – even a shoebox with toiletries or make up for a young girl going back to school.
Please make sure all items are boxed and marked on the outside with what is inside.
If you are having a problem finding boxes , please call your local grocery store and they may be be more than happy to save some for you to pick up.

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