By Karen Zautyk
If you saw a shrub walking along Kearny Ave. around noontime last Thursday, don’t be concerned. You were not hallucinating.
Our attention was called to the ambulatory foliage when publisher Lisa Pezzolla shouted from The Observer’s front office: “Karen! Come here quick! And bring your camera!”
What we found outside was a kid with a scooter accompanied by the shrubbery. Which turned out to be 13-year-old Michael Gordon of Kearny wearing a ghillie suit, the sort of camouflage costume we had seen only on Marine snipers and SWAT team members.
The other boy was John Sorial, 12, also of Kearny. Apparently the two of them had been sitting around in Michael’s house that morning, a bit bored with video games, when, Michael said, “I saw the ghillie suit and I thought, “Hey . . . !”
To read the full story, see this week’s issue of The Observer.