To the Publisher:
A week before Christmas I received a call from one of my oldest and dearest friends Frankie Ferriero. When I heard his voice, I knew something wasn’t right. He said, “Jack, our Friend Mickey D passed away.” We both cried a little but laughed a lot thinking about our times with Mickey when we were kids and later coaching with him in the Harrison Little League and Harrison/ East Newark Junior Football League. I’m writing this letter now as I remember Mickey’s birthday in July.
Mickey was my first soccer coach when I was 7 and he continued to watch out for me (and many others) as we grew up. Mickey was a very generous man who gave freely to the kids without asking anything in return. He was basically like a father to me for a long time.
As I grew into adulthood, Mickey and I remained friends. I would call him or stop by the high school at a game and sit and talk to him and catch up on life.
I just want to thank Mickey for his almost 40 years of service to the children of Harrison. Mickey loved the kids like they were his own. To his children, Deirdre, Michael, Catrina and Nicholas, I want you to know I miss and loved your Dad very much. As a former Harrison Little League president, and on behalf of all the players and coaches who worked with or played against you, Mickey, I want to thank you for all that you did for the children of Harrison. I love and miss you!
Jack Thompson
Former Harrisonian and East Newarker!