Due to the overwhelming response and generosity of Observer readers, our Kentucky Care collection has been extended until Sept. 15.
The 53-foot trailer is nearly filled to capacity, and a second truck is expected to arrive here this Thursday.
Please note that donations are being accepted on Tuesdays and Thursdays ONLY, between the hours of 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Please do not leave items in our lot or under the truck when our volunteers are not here. We have no storage space, and donations left at other times have been damaged or stolen.

Also, all items must be boxed. No bags, please. Boxes can be stacked securely within the trailer for the long drive to Kentucky. Bags cannot.
Although we have extended the collection timeframe, please do not wait until it nears the end. We want to accept your donations, but there is always a chance the second truck might be filled before the 15th – and there will be no third truck.
A list of items needed by the Kentucky Care recipients in Appalachia can be found on p. 2 of this week’s paper.