The Observer is proud to welcome Swetta Panjabi as our newest columnist. Hailing from India, Ms. Panjabi is well versed in a host of alternative living/healing philosophies and concepts. With this column, she hopes to share these lesser known (by American standards) but promising principles with Observer readers.
It’s our pleasure to welcome her aboard!
Here is her first column:
Every day gives us a choice to either live it in a fulfilling way or end it feeling all so distressed and lonely. If we choose to smile and brave the storm we are only giving ourselves ‘Hope’ that we can survive through the day and live for a better day tomorrow.
Things always have a way of working themselves out. We may not realize it while we are amidst the pain but as all things in the universe, we know that it will pass! A new chapter shall begin.
In times of recession and increasing unemployment, keeping a positive frame of mind may be difficult indeed, but by focusing on making every day count and living it right today, the cosmic universe will reward us with its bounty tomorrow.
I truly believe in having the positive attitude. It may not miraculously change things in a minute, but it surely helps you focus what needs to be done right. As my great-grandfather used to say, “Believe! And it will happen!”
And for me personally, it did! It’s been a long journey coming from India to a foreign land—America—and then to make this country my own. But amidst the hurdles and the hardships one faces of adapting to any new country, I knew that this phase would pass too. There will come a time when everything will fall in its place once again. I believed in it… And it happened. So I recommend you try it just once. In doing so, you are giving yourself another chance at life, at living your life just right!
Shweta Punjabi is a motivational speaker who believes in alternative healing. You can visit her website www.solutionsbyshweta.com for more information.