KHS senior-class team in 2012 and
The annual Kearny Project Graduation Volleyball Tournament, an always much-anticipated event, is scheduled for this Friday, April 26, in the Kearny High School gym.
Doors open at 6 p.m., and the games begin at 6:30.
Traditional rivalries will be renewed as the combatants meet on the court.
The matches are: Franklin Falcons vs. Washington School; Garfield School vs. Roosevelt School; Lincoln Lightning vs. Schuyler Tigers; Board of Education members vs. Town of Kearny employees; KHS Teachers vs. KHS Seniors, and Firefighters vs. Police Officers.
General admission is $5; $3 for senior citizens and students with IDs.

2012 Tournament Champions representing the KPD.
The tournament is second only to the 50/50 raffle (tickets for which will be sold at the tourney) in raising funds for Project Graduation, which treats KHS seniors to a nightlong, post-commencement party. It’s an alcohol-free event, launched in 1996 as a safer alternative to private house parties.
According to Project Grad’s president, Kearny Fire Chief Steve Dyl, typically about 80% of each graduating class elects to attend the event, which costs about $30,000 to run. Hence, the need for fundraising.
There is also a continuing need for adult volunteers, as planners, coordinators and party chaperones. Project Grad vols meet on the last Thursday of each month, the next meeting being this Thursday, April 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the KHS teachers’ lounge.
For more information, those who might be interested in volunteering are invited to call Dyl at 201-991-7467. “Or just go to the meeting,” he said.
As for the raffle tickets, which are $10 each, they can always be purchased by contacting either Dyl at the number above or Sandy Hyde at 551-265-8969.
– Karen Zautyk