Restoring the pride of ‘68

Photo courtesy Harrison BOE At unveiling of newly restored plaque, from l., are: Councilman Victor Villalta, Jack Wagner, Bernie Murphy and BOE President James Fife.
Photo courtesy Harrison BOE
At unveiling of newly restored plaque, from l., are: Councilman Victor Villalta, Jack Wagner, Bernie Murphy and BOE President James Fife.



The Harrison Board of Education is righting a wrong and, at the same time, paying tribute, anew, to the Harrison High Class of 1968.

Jack Wagner and Bernie Murphy were members of the Student Council from the Class of ’68 that paid for a message board gracing the lawn of the high school for more than three decades until the school relocated in 2008 to its current site at 800 Hamilton St.

At that time, a dedication plaque for the message board was removed due to brick repairs and it was never replaced.

Wagner and Murphy met recently with BOE President James Fife and Councilman Victor Villalta, another Class of ’68 alum, and asked to have the plaque polished and restored to the new message board.

Wagner said that for years, the Class of ’68 Student Council was credited with providing information to the community and now, is glad to see that the tradition will continue.

Schools Superintendent James Doran thanked both men for their doggedness in pressing for the rededication and Fife recalled many of the ’68 Student Council members, dating to when his public service career began, as being “fine Harrisonians who continue to care for our community.”

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