Bottom Photo by Karen Zautyk
Once again, we venture into yesteryear Harrison, the specific year being 1930. The specific day, Jan. 30. The horse-drawn trolleys cited in last week’s ‘Then’ photo have been replaced by modern electric ones, but those who share the street with them are still taking risks.
Note the car on the left, which we presume (hope) is parked, not traveling, perilously close to the tracks.
The view is identified only as ‘Harrison Ave. & 4th St.,’ and we wondered in what direction one was looking. In a search for the address of Pletter Furniture (sign on building at right), Google wanted to send us to links for ‘pleather furniture.’ (Who still buys pleather furniture?) Then the light bulb lit: Of course! The trolley is making a right turn off 4th St. onto Harrison Ave.
This is a view looking north toward Kearny. Closer inspection also revealed the number on the trolley. It is the 39 — the same as the old No. 39 bus that followed the same route.
–Karen Zautyk