Marilyn Bourdier
A 28-year-old Perth Amboy woman was arrested April 25 and charged with drunken driving on the Belleville Pike — with her 6-month-old son as a passenger, riding in an unsecured car seat, Kearny police reported.
At 7 a.m., Officer John Fabula was driving eastbound on the Pike near the N.J. Turnpike overpass when he saw a westbound car approaching at a “high rate of speed” and with its hazard lights on, KPD Chief John Dowie said.
Fabula also noted that the 2006 Suzuki “appeared to be travelling more on the shoulder than on the roadway” and that its right front wheel “looked like it was about to fall off,” Dowie said.
The officer made a U-turn and pulled the Suzuki over, noting that both right wheels were “badly damaged.” He also saw a child seat, with an infant in it, resting on its side in the back of the vehicle, the chief reported. “Apparently, it was not properly secured and had tipped over,” Dowie said.
When questioned, the driver, Marilyn Bourdier, reportedly admitted she had been drinking in Hoboken. Police said she appeared dazed and confused and was not able to fully comprehend field sobriety test instructions.
Bourdier, who was given an Alcotest at headquarters, was charged with: DUI, careless driving, driving with a suspended license, failure to surrender the license, misuse of a child restraint, having an open container of alcohol (Fireball Whiskey) in a motor vehicle, and DUI with a minor in the vehicle.
The baby was turned over to a friend of the family, police said. Fabula reported the incident to the N.J. Abuse and Neglect Hotline and was advised that a representative of the Division of Child Protection would immediately respond to HQ to interview the mother.
Police said that, as part of the investigation, Child Protection would also visit the location where the infant had been taken to insure the child’s welfare.
– Karen Zautyk