Are you a news hound? Do you take great photos? Are you on the scene of fires often, shooting videos? If so, we at The Observer want to hear from you. With the start of the New Year, we’re resurrecting our old Citizen Journalist program. It’s a very simple process, too. If you’ve captured something newsworthy — and would be willing to share it with us — we want to hear from you.
For example, if you were on the scene of a crash, and took photos or video, we’ll publish them.

Attend a game we weren’t able to cover? We’d love to publish your action shots.
If you were a witness to a fire and took photos or video, we’ll publish the photos in print and online and we’ll include the video on our website.
Catch a pet being rescued from the Passaic River and have photos? We’ll publish them for you.
These are just a few of the many possibilities for our Citizen Journalist program. Unfortunately, we can’t pay for photos or videos, but your work will remain yours to continue to use as you see fit — and we will publish your name as the author / photographer / videographer.
Submit links, videos, photos, etc., by e-mail by clicking here. You can also use the “SUBMIT NEWS” button on the main page of this website. Send us an e-mail if you have questions, too. Thanks for considering being a Citizen Journalist for The Observer.