Following a raffle and donation table at its annual picnic, American Legion Post 105 and Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 105, both with matching funds, donated $1,800 to the American Cancer Society.
Each year, for the last two decades, Post 105’s annual picnic in the late summer or early fall is its largest fundraiser, with over 300 tickets being sold this year.
A representative from the American Cancer Society came to a joint meeting of the Legion and the SAL to be presented with a check.
Halle Baker, a development manager for New Jersey’s American Cancer Society, accepted the check from Post Commander Joe Cobianchi, SAL Commander Steve Sangemino and Committee Chairman Ferriole.
“Just like every business and organization, the American Cancer Society took a huge hit during COVID,” Baker said. “This money will go to copays to get treatment, transportation to treatment and even lodging to be closer to treatment. We thank you so much for taking your time and your efforts — we know this has been a hard year for everybody.”