LETTER — Dolan: If you want something done, call Carol Jean Doyle

To the Editor:

Having known Carol Jean Doyle for many years, I would like to let you know that “you will always be able to count on her.”  She is my councilwoman and I could call on her if there is a problem in my ward that needed her attention. She has never failed to look into the matter and find a solution.

When COVID hit and the vaccine became available, Carol Jean Doyle received phone calls from people who were concerned about my husband, who was bedridden. She called to inform me she would work on finding a solution for him to get the vaccine. (At the time no one was allowed to bring the vaccine to anyone’s house to administer it due to liability…)

Carol Jean worked on finding a solution … As I said at the time “it takes a village” to do what was done for my husband. Four fireman carried him in his wheelchair out the door and down the stairs. The Board of Health had their bus (with a lift for wheelchairs) drive him to Kearny High School, the nurse came to him and administered the vaccine — then a fireman sat with him for the 15 necessary minutes after and he was transported back home and again, four firemen carried him in his wheelchair, up the stairs and into the house!

They did this twice, February and again for the second dose in March 2021.

This is only one incident that makes me proud to tell you about Carol Jean Doyle. She is a loyal Kearnyite, a friendly and loving person and always has time to listen if you have a problem. If she can find a solution, she will.

It was other people who asked her to help my husband but, I will be forever grateful to her for taking the time to care enough about a sad situation and make it better.  Thank you Carol Jean Doyle!

Jo-Ann Dolan

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Kevin A. Canessa Jr. is the editor of and broadcaster at The Observer, an organization he has served since 2006. He is responsible for the editorial content of the newspaper and website, the production of the e-Newspaper, writing several stories per week (including the weekly editorial), conducting live broadcasts on social media channels such as YouTube, Facebook, and X, including a weekly recap of the news — and much more behind the scenes. Between 2006 and 2008, he introduced the newspaper to its first-ever blog — which included podcasts, audio and video. Originally from Jersey City, Kevin lived in Kearny until 2004, lived in Port St. Lucie. Florida, for four years until February 2016 and in March of that year, he moved back to Kearny to return to The Observer full time. Click Here to send Kevin an email.