Eckel: Canessa’s tirade & language was out of line and threatening

We are reaching out regarding a disturbing incident that occurred on July 16,2024 at the Regular meeting of the Kearny Mayor and Council. We are sending this to you privately, not as a Letter to the Editor or on Social Media pages out of respect for you and your publication. Residents have contacted me and other members of the governing body expressing concern over Mr. Canessa’s behavior ,language and demeanor.

He represents you regardless of his statement disavowing the connection and speaking as a “resident”. The reality is that as the only employee of our community newspaper, he is bound by his identity in that position.

Using your publication, your resources and your reputation to advance his personal agenda has widened the gap of mistrust in the media. Using his position as the face and voice of your publication he is sending a clear message that he will use his power over the content and delivery of the news and current events to influence the outcome of future elections to slander and malign the characters of elected officials and dedicated town employees .His tirade was riddled with ½ truths, intentional misinformation and slanderous comments. Does he speak for you and your publication?

He is clearly aware that the Town of Kearny and the governing body cannot comment on any ongoing litigation. As a reporter and journalist, the gathering of facts and details, and providing balanced and truthful coverage is critical and protects the public from falsehoods and prevents them from drawing reasonable conclusions. His rude, aggressive and irrational behavior is an unfortunate reflection on your business.

Mr. Canessa consistently identified remarks and comments made in private conversations at which he was not present and did not identify the source of these comments. While he certainly has the right to speak and share his view on any issue, making false allegations and accusations is libelous and contemptible.

He clearly stated that it is his intention to use all of the power at his disposal to have the Fire Chief fired. What power does resident Canessa have? Certainly the power of his individual vote, the circle of personal friends … but we must assume that his power is actually the power that he holds due to his position at the Observer. He surely understands his influence is entwined in his position.

In addition to threatening the Fire Chief during the open session of the council meeting, he also accosted him in the hallway outside the chambers by raising his voice, spewing insults and derisive comments at the Chief including calling him “a piece of shit” in front of many witnesses. Prior to that , in chambers and from the front row of a crowded room, he shouted at Councilman da Silva, calling him “a pompous asshole” and immediately thereafter pointed at Council President Eckel and asked “why are you still here?”

During his time at the microphone at the open session he spoke directly to the governing body saying, “You have influence to have the Chief withdraw these charges.” This is troubling on multiple levels, but certainly is the very thing that he suggests is the underlying cause of the issue itself. He states that we should use our influence to sidestep the rules, procedures and legal actions that guide Civil Service proceedings. The Mayor and Council are not involved in personnel issues. This ensures that decisions are made by independent hearing officers that decide the outcome through testimony and evidence.

He further threatened,” If you don’t do the right thing, there are five up for election next year and four the next year. I will make it my life’s mission to make sure you will not be re-elected.

How can it be interpreted that these threats can be carried out by resident Canessa and not Editor Canessa, the face and voice of The Observer?

His conduct and demeanor are unbecoming a member of the press and while he identified himself as a resident, his situation and identity is clearly bound to his highly visible position as the only public representative of The Observer.

We realize that there was a broadcast with an apology to the Mayor and Council, however, the people present in the room, and there were over 150, heard the accusations, threats and demands, not the apology. In addition, the verbal attacks in the council chamber and the hallway at town hall were not addressed. The attacks on the Fire Chief were not addressed. His apology focused on the words he used, but clearly stated that his intention was the same. Still using the power of the press to threaten.

Kearny Council President & Third Ward Councilwoman Eileen Eckel
First Ward Councilman George Zapata
Second Ward Councilman Dennis Solano
Third Ward Councilman Renato da Silva
Fourth Ward Councilman Stathis Theodoropoulos

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Eileen Eckel | Kearny Council president