4 local men — 2 from Harrison, 1 each from Kearny and Belleville — face life behind bars after fed drug bust, US Att’y says

Five men, including two from Harrison and one each from Kearny and Belleville, face up to…


FOR DECADES, previous town leaders have been unable in repeated attempts to lure investors to a…

EDITORIAL — What a year it’s been for all of us

It’s almost eerie to look back at The Observer of March 11, 2020. It included the…

Kearny’s Paszkiewicz: The Queen of the Lanes

With a last name of Paszkiewicz, it was almost a given that Hannah Paszkiewicz would naturally…

FROM DREAM TO REALITY — New Lyndhurst PD comm center opens

A few months ago, Lyndhurst Police Lts. Paul F. Haggerty and Vincent Auteri said I was…

Veterans banner program returning to North Arlington

You may have seen the banners that donned Ridge Road last summer. Each had a photo…

King: Body pulled from Passaic River was ‘deceased adult man’

Kearny Police Chief George King released the following information about a body pulled from the Passaic…

Hudson County Corrections Officer charged in double murder, ECPO says

A Hudson County Corrections Officer has been charged in connection with a double homicide that took…