Harrison-East Newark youth cheer team returns, with several upcoming events

Competitive cheerleading in Harrison and East Newark has always been a proud tradition in the community,…

It’s time for our annual New Year wish list and predictions

How is it 2025? I can’t be the only one who has said this more than…

Massive headache alert: Hoboken PATH station will be closed most of February, PA says

If for any reason you use the PATH system via the Hoboken station, you’re going to…

Early voting in NJ begins Saturday, Oct. 26 and lasts through Nov. 3

Early voting in New Jersey begins Saturday, Oct. 26 and runs for nine days through Nov.…

Hudson Clerk’s mobile unit comes to East Newark this week

The Hudson County Clerk’s mobile unit visits East Newark Friday, Oct. 25, from 10 a.m. to…

ALERT — Guy hosting resource fair for Harrison & East Newark residents

Hudson County Executive Craig Guy will join forces with Harrison Mayor A. James Fife and East…

Hudson Commissioners OK Guy’s Open Space Grant recommendations; 4 West Hudson projects green lighted

The Hudson County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved County Executive Craig Guy’s recommendations for allocating $8,498,822…

ALERT — East Newark BOE, school union ratify new 3-year contract

The East Newark Board of Education and the East Newark Education Association have ratified of a…

Ordinance that would have scrapped East Newark Police Chief title, create public safety director, tabled to Sept. 11

An ordinance that would have on second reading, if adopted, eliminated the position of East Newark…

East Newark plans to scrap police chief position for civilian director

If the Borough of East Newark gets its way, the position of Chief of Police will…

Hudson County opens cooling center for the unhoused in South Kearny

A cooling center in South Kearny will remain open through mid-September, Hudson County Executive Craig Guy…

Harrison (East Newark) Pop Warner football registration underway through July

Harrison Recreation’s Pop Warner football registration is underway through July 31. Parents may register kids online…

IHL hosting reunion game in October

The Independent Hockey League, which has local roots, has announced plans for a 30-year reunion game…

Auditions for WHATCo one-act play festival upcoming

Auditions for the The West Hudson Arts and Theater Company’s 2024 One Act Play Festival to…

Food distribution for Hudson residents upcoming

The Town of Kearny’s next food distribution event takes place April 9, from 1 p.m. until…