Sean Dolaghan replaces Huaranga as Harrison High School’s Athletic Director

When Sean Dolaghan stepped down as Harrison’s head baseball coach due to his growing family, he…

Two major events Thursday in Harrison

Blood drive & senior citizen Independence Day BBQ

Promotions, a provisional chief, at Harrison Fire Department

Four members of the Harrison Fire Department have been promoted to captain as the ranks of…

Harrison senior citizens BBQ & town blood drive both slated for June 30

The Town of Harrison sponsors a barbecue for town senior citizens Thursday, June 30, from 11…

Special Olympics Torch Run passes through South Bergen & West Hudson

The 2022 Police Special Olympics Torch Run came through Lyndhurst, North Arlington, Kearny, East Newark and…

In November, Kearny will see 3 of 4 council races contested, Harrison will see 1 in fight for mayor

Three of the four Democrats running for the Kearny Council will face opponents in November as…

Harrison PD — expect major traffic Thursday in Harrison

On Thursday, June 2, at 8:30 p.m., Ecuador and Nigeria play a friendly soccer match at…

Flag flies at half-staff as police presence continues at Harrison HS

The U.S. Flag continues to fly at half-staff at Harrison High School — in honor of…

2 men — one a former Harrison cop, another a former Kearny resident — admit to bilking customers after Super Storm Sandy: OCPO

The duo operated a contractor business from 2014 to 2017 in Central & South Jersey

Washington Middle School student places sixth in state Elks’ essay contest

Harrison tops Lyndhurst, 18-14, in teams’ first head-to-head matchup in girls’ flag football

This past Wednesday in Harrison, Laurens and 49 other girls from Harrison and Lyndhurst high schools…

Harrison kids on frantic hunt for Easter Eggs!

More than 300 Harrison children were on hand for the town’s Easter Egg Hunt

Harrison hires 7 new in blue to meet demands of massive population growth

Little by little, the Town of Harrison is taking steps to rebuild its police force to…

Indian Knights of Kearny perform ‘rev’ for late Harrison PD Sgt. Ernie Hernandez

The Indian Knights of Kearny, in conjunction with the Kearny VFW, recently hosted a ride —…

WMS student artwork on display at Kearny Bank in Harrison