Harrison’s Razzeto serves as panelist at Harrison HS Hispanic Heritage Month event

Why was West Hudson man arrested at Canadian border with his child & partner in the car?

A West Hudson dad and mom were arrested at the U.S.-Canada border Oct. 11, 2021, after…

Fife says he’s running for third full Harrison mayoral term

Harrison’s incumbent Mayor James A. Fife says he’s seeking another term with a full slate of…

Harrison’s native son Lucas returns home to coach grid team

When Jonathan Jackson decided to resign from his head football coaching position at Harrison High School…

SURGE IN CITIZENS — Harrison sees whopping 42.8% population increase in 2020 Census

Towns in The Observer’s readership area all saw a spike in population over the last 10…


When you think of the summertime and young people — during normal times, that is —…


HARRISON — What started out as a friendly soccer match at Red Bull Arena between two…

Harrison Police Officer Elizabeth Delacruz, mom and Marine, dies aged 30

Harrison Police Officer Elizabeth Y. Delacruz of Jersey City died Tuesday, June 22, 2021, while at…


You’ll forgive Harrison Recreation Director Larry Kelly and Recreation Chairman Larry Bennett if they’re a bit…

Harrison 5K run to benefit local scholars is May 16

Harrison High School Vice Principal and former Jersey City Councilman Steve Lipski is a runner. In…

TAKIN’ IT TO THE STREETS — A look at how Harrison’s DPW leads the way & sets the bar

When you think of a town’s Department of Public Works, a few things probably come to…


Jennifer Karl, a resident of Washington, D.C., and formerly of Jersey City, will forever remember the…

W.H.A.T. hosting auditions Sept. 16 & 17 for ‘radio play’

The West Hudson Arts & Theater Co., announces the return of live theater to West Hudson…

Former Harrisonian JoAnn Barton making it big with radio show

JoAnn Barton is a Harrison girl at heart, even though she no longer lives here. From…

Hundreds wait on line in heat & humidity for food

Every time there is an emergency-food event locally, it begs a question — could it get…