Harrison Councilman Larry Bennett is Hudson Municipal Alliance Volunteer of the Year

Harrison Councilman Lawrence Bennett has been chosen the Hudson County Municipal Alliance Volunteer of the Year.…

Harrison blood drive set for next week

The Town of Harrison hosts a blood drive Thursday, Dec. 21, from 1 to 7 p.m.,…

Obituary: Rosemary E. Moore at 104

Rosemary E, Moore Rosemary E, Moore died after a short illness Sunday, Dec. 10, 2023. She…

Harrison Christmas Tree lighting, senior citizen party, upcoming

The Town of Harrison lights its annual holiday tree with a ceremony Wednesday, Dec. 13, at…

Police: Harrison man training to become special cop, currently a dispatcher, arrested and charged with possessing 1K+ images of child pornography

Update at 12:25 p.m.: Records indicate Lewis was released by court order today. A Harrison man…

Harrison may approve another pot dispensary, this one on the Kearny border

Harrison’s Planning Board will host a meeting Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 6 p.m. in the Town…

Harrison PD among others partaking in ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ in December

Law enforcement from the Harrison Police Department and others across the state will be cracking down…

4th- and 5th-graders at Harrison’s Hamilton School set up something extremely unique for all to enjoy

Lions, tigers and polar bears — oh my! Students at Hamilton School in Harrison combined their…


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s…

Harrison East Newark Elks donate $2,500 to Just Harrison Food Pantry

The Harrison-East Newark Elks Lodge 2326 donated $2,500 to the Just Harrison Food Pantry. The lodge…

Early voting underway, paper ballots may still be returned & more election information

Election Day is Nov. 7 and there are a few things for the electorate to remember.…

Air bag explodes in Harrison car fire

Thanks to Matthew Ravo, of Harrison, for sending this to us. Harrison and Schuyler avenues, Oct.…

Harrison Cancer League raises flag for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

HFD trains for the worst kinds of car crashes with special ‘jaws’

An unfortunate reality of driving on Jersey’s roads is this — at one point or another,…

Harrison Cancer League’s flag raising, fundraiser set for next week

The Harrison Cancer League, in partnership with the Town of Harrison, hosts its second-annual flag raising…