NAPD: Possible thief gives finger to doorbell camera (and other blotter items)

On Oct. 24 at 3:27 p.m., a resident of Chestnut Street walked into police headquarters to…

Images from today’s groundbreaking — NA Riverside County Park (PHOTOS ONLY)

Groundbreaking for new amphitheater, comfort station at Riverside Park is Tuesday in NA

The renaissance in Bergen County’s park system continues locally as ground will be broken in Riverside…

NA A’s win Major League World Series title

The Athletics were the North Arlington Major League World Series champions, after they defeated the White…

NA man charged with having sex with minor, 13, three times, ECPO says

A North Arlington man has been arrested and charged with sexual assault, endangering the welfare of…

Fire in North Arlington takes lives of father and son

A fire in the early morning hours of Friday, Sept. 17, in North Arlington, took the…

NA’s Alves off to rousing start

NORTH ARLINGTON – Kevin Barber was taking on a new challenge, taking on the head coaching…

Leonard Kaiser, former North Arlington mayor, dies aged 73

Leonard R. “Lenny” Kaiser, the former mayor of North Arlington and a fixture in Bergen County…


The Borough of North Arlington has turned 125. And while the pandemic caused muted celebrations for…

BCPO: Major crimes investigating deaths of 2 in North Arlington

The North Arlington Police Department and the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office’s Major Crimes Unit are investigating…

Memories of NA’s beloved coach ‘Fergie’

He spent nearly four decades as the head boys’ basketball coach at North Arlington High School.…

Jared gets a new lease on life — NA senior gets kidney transplant & will try to play baseball

Jared Velazquez had no idea what the rest of his life would be like. The 17-year-old…

Veterans banner program returning to North Arlington

You may have seen the banners that donned Ridge Road last summer. Each had a photo…

NOTICE: Full day pre-K in North Arlington

IN DIRE NEED — NA senior Velazquez awaits kidney replacement surgery

Jared Velazquez was looking forward to this scholastic sports season, After all, it was going to…