In thanks for mom

By Kevin Canessa Jr. When I was a wee lad, growing up and living in Jersey…

Let’s shame the scofflaws & make ‘em pay what they owe

By Ron Leir Have you heard the commercials pleading with New York City drivers to be…

‘Those who fail to learn from history…’

By Karen Zautyk “… are doomed to repeat it.” I would attribute that quote, but my…

Cirne still missing

By the time you’re reading this, it will have been nearly two weeks since 51-year-old Vitorino…

Getting at the truth can be dangerous to your health

By Ron Leir It’s a dangerous world out there and nobody knows that better than foreign…

Memories of (pre-casino) Atlantic City 

By Karen Zautyk  What do Louis Armstrong, Conway Twitty, Mr. Peanut and Elsie the Cow have in…

Approaching a corner with an SUV parked at it? Hold on for your life!

By Kevin Canessa The other day, a good friend of mine and I were driving along…

A bit of forgotten baseball history   

By Karen Zautyk Did you know that Cleveland once had a pro-baseball team called the Spiders?…

There’s plenty of help out there for those afflicted by mental illness

By Kevin Canessa For this week’s edition of The Observer, I was fortunate to be able…

Give the Devil a sporting chance

By Karen Zautyk I had an unexpected house guest this weekend — my good friend the…

On Starbucks, Santana & more …

This is one of those weeks where I get to do a column for the second…

Thou shalt not steal

By Karen Zautyk Sometimes I wonder why my parents did not put me up for adoption.…

Remembering Shawn and Robert … 12 years later

Christmas 2005 was different than others from the get-go. For starters, it wasn’t all that cold…

A (belated) Christmas Story

By Karen Zautyk Sometimes I wonder why my parents did not put me up for adoption.…

A free ride is a transitory thing

By Ron Leir Looks like Santa didn’t stock any goodies in his bag for already beleaguered…