Havana is her haven

By Karen Zautyk By the time you read this, our President should have wrapped up his…

2016 W.H. St. Patrick’s Day Parade didn’t disappoint

When I first knew, for sure, I’d be coming back to Kearny after spending four years…

A college ‘tax’ & other thoughts

  It’s no secret these days that a lot of municipalities are hurting for cash, especially…

Letter: Davis Ave. toughed out the snow

To the Editor: The Friday before the snowstorm of January 2016, the Davis Ave. residents received…

Bully for a presidential bear!

By Karen Zautyk The cartoon that accompanies this week’s column is by Clifford Berryman and first appeared…

Letter to the Editor: Great job plowing Harrison’s snow

To the Editor: We are writing because we think it is important for the people to…

Brodeur and the Mets: Perfect together

Aside from the race for The White House, which I am never going to address on…

Stakes in race for POTUS even higher now following Scalia’s death

  The stakes in the U.S. presidential contest have just escalated to a new level, now…

How much ground could a groundhog hog?

Late last Tuesday night, the doorbell rang. I peered out the window and, to my surprise, there stood a friend…

Weathering the storm of ‘news’

Thank goodness that’s over. Until the next time. I’m not talking about the blizzard, per se, but rather the media frenzy…

Thoughts & Views: King’s ‘Dream’ speech still relevant today

Given that Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday, we would do well to recall a mesmerizing…

Thoughts & Views: Remembering former Kearny Police Chief Tim Sharples, dead at 67

First, he’d park his car — a Chevy Impala or whatever it was at the time — on the…

Gone with the winds

As Christmas approached, all talk appeared to be about the weather. How warm it was. How sunny. How lovely. (Though to…

Thoughts & Views: So, ya wanna fight?

The Christmas / Chanukah / Kwanza/ Festivus holiday season is supposed to be a time when we all can take…


‘THANK YOU’  To the Editor:  As mayor, and on behalf of the Lyndhurst Board of Commissioners, I would…