‘A COWARDLY ACT’ To the editor,  My family and I are deeply saddened and offended by a flyer…

Thoughts & Views: It happens every spring

In case you hadn’t noticed, pitchers and catchers have reported for the annual ritual of spring training. By April,…

Thoughts & Views: Have you seen this woman?

This week’s column is more accurately a public service announcement. The other day, we read a press release from the…

Thoughts & Views: Don’t gamble on park’s future

Okay, Gov. Christie, Assemblyman Prieto and Sen. Sweeney, I call your collective bluffs. It’s time to put all your cards…

Thoughts & Views: The world must never forget

Last Tuesday marked the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. I am embarrassed to admit that I had not…

Thoughts & Views: Mars? Tempting but focus on Earth first

After listening to President Obama’s most recent State of the (Dis) Union speech last Tuesday night, I couldn’t help thinking, I’d…


A story in the Jan. 13 issue of The Observer about a fire at Plaque Art…

Today’s vocabulary lesson

Ready for another column on the Great War? (I warned you I was fanatical about it.) This won’t deal with…

It only takes a cartoon

In the aftermath of the massacre at the satiric French publication Charlie Hebdo and, subsequently, the attack at a kosher…

Thoughts & Views: A lion among leaders

In its editorial euology last Friday, my alma mater, the N.Y. Daily News, referred to Gov. Mario Cuomo as…

‘The Interview’: Why did they even bother?

Having been exposed to all the hype over Sony Production Co.’s limited release of “The Interview,” I say, “Thanks, but…


NEW YEAR’S GREETINGS FROM THE FIRST COUPLE To the editor:  On behalf of my wife Cathy…

All was calm, all was bright

In December 1914, the troops of the Allies and the Central Powers have been in combat for several months and…


A story published last week in The Observer misstated the school district where former Lyndhurst school…

Home for the holidays

With the holidays fast approaching, I know I speak for all my colleagues at The Observer when I wish all…