Thoughts & Views: Tea Party: How to keep faith with America

  Since Congress put in motion the partial government shutdown, many federal civil servants have been…

Thoughts & Views: ‘Indomitable courage and unswerving devotion’

  Last Friday evening, a 96-year-old man passed away at Englewood Hospital. Everyone in his immediate…


To the Editor: This is in response to an article recently appearing in The Observer: “St…

Thoughts & Views: Memo to NSA: I’m giving full disclosure

Having boned up on the latest endeavors of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to keep…

Thoughts & Views: Alarming info for sleepyheads

Today’s column is prompted by a recurring event in my life: Oversleeping. I am a night…

We’ll feature home holiday stylings

Time seems to be flying by faster and faster each day. With October right around the…

Thoughts & Views: Game, set & match: the women prevail

  The other week, PBS ran an American Masters documentary on Billie Jean King, a ranking…

It’s like deja vu all over again

Have you ever heard of Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov? I hadn’t either until the other night…


In last week’s issue, our story on the Pioneer Boys & Girls Club of America mentioned,…

Thoughts & Views: Do we cross this ‘red line’?

Every day the civilian casualties mount in war-torn Syria, with an estimated 1,000 deaths blamed on…

Thoughts & Views: Woke up, it was a Chelsea Manning

  By now, you have heard that Army Pvt. Bradley Manning, pictured here as his alter-ego,…


Fate spared one worker at Congoleum-Nairn blast To the Editor: I am one of the “older…

Thoughts & Views: A perspective on ‘stop-and-frisk’

A federal court has concluded that the New York Police Department’s stopand- frisk policy violates the…

Thoughts & Views: In praise of lousy prose

If you love good writing, you probably also love bad writing–providing it’s deliberately bad. It takes…

Thoughts & Views: This brand of ‘Tea’ too bitter for my taste

In the 1962 film, “The Manchurian Candidate,” a fictional right-wing U.S. senator named John Iselin takes…