We’ve got mail

To the Publisher: Sept. 11 reminds all firefighters of the loss of 343 members of the…


  A story in the print edition of  last week’s Observer about a proposal to  create…

R.I.P. Now take them to the basement

A decade after 9/11, some 6,000 human remains, representing more than 1,100 World Trade Center victims,…

We’ve got mail

To the Publisher: Although Nutley was spared devastating effects from Hurricane Irene, we did experience flooding,…


To the Publisher: As the 10th anniversary of 9/11/01 approaches, I wish to share my story…

We couldn’t have made it without them

This is a thank-you note. Hurricane Irene turned out not to be the completely devastating direct…


To the Publisher: I would like to offer some advice to and information for the families…

Looking for the answers

Maybe, by the time you read this, someone may have discovered a possible explanation. Drug-induced psychosis.…

We’ve got mail

To the Publisher, The recent recall of 36 million pounds of ground turkey by Cargill proves…

Bank robbers I have known

Well, there was only one actually, at least that I’m aware of. He was, surprisingly, a…

Purple prose and vile puns

The 2011 Bulwer-Lytton prizes have been announced! This is something to which I look forward every…

We’ve Got Mail

To the Publisher: A week before Christmas I received a call from one of my oldest…

At cross purposes with nonbelievers

What is it with atheists and symbols of faith—particularly, it seems, symbols of Christianity? Not content…

We’ve Got Mail

To the Publisher, As a Kearny resident since 1986, and avid Observer reader, I would like…

’Scuse me while I kiss this guy

Today’s column is about mondegreens. These are not vegetables. “Mondegreen” is the term for a misheard…